Regional Spotlight
The capital of Scotland since the 15th century and the seat of the Scottish Government, the Scottish Parliament, and the highest courts in Scotland. Half medieval, half Georgian. Originally a part of the Midlothian till 1921 and is located in southeast Scotland and Scotland’s second most populous city, seventh most populous in the United Kingdom. Hosts the international Arts festival in August and is one of the world's most beautiful capitals, sometimes known as 'The Athens of the North' due to it's many buildings with Corinthian architecture. In the centre of educational fields such as medicine, Scots law, literature, philosophy, engineering, and the sciences. • Second largest financial centre in the United Kingdom with cultural attractions making it the second most visited tourist destination in 2018. Edinburgh is also a very navigable city, centred around Edinburgh Castle which sits high above the city on a volcanic outcrop. It also has the nearby Port of Leith, and houses the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood.
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